Epesi Workflow


Any industry that you are in has processes. We have an application as a part of the suite that is tailored for workflow management


Workflow creation.

Use the application to create your day to day workflows. Have a structure that details the first thing you do to the last. Create comments and instructions on the specific process for the user of the workflow to follow.

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Enable reports on the various processes you have created on the app. With a very interactive dashboard you can view reports based on the parameters that you have set.

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Documents management

Some processes come with documents for various purposes. Have documents and manage them on the specific points of your process. Follow up on this through the app.

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Team management

Assign process to your team. They are able to access the application through their phone, tablet or a computer. As long as you assign a team member to a process you are set. Grant permission to the team and monitor the progress using the app.

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Risk management

Manage risks that may be involved with the process involved. Monitor and take action on the riskiest points of your processes. Communicate with the team involved on actions taken to mitigate the risks via the application.

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Pattern duplication

Create different workflows while duplicating some workflows. Some workflows may have similar processes with variation being very minimal. With the application you are able to duplicate and edit a certain workflow when you like. Also you can create as many workflows as possible.

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Epesi Workflow is a part of the Epesi cloud suite. Here are some of the benefits that come with using the app.

Data collection

You are able to collect very valuable data with the application. Especially when it comes to processes that are repetitive. You need a reliable application that will enable you to monitor how you are doing in your processes. Then use the data to create processes that would work the best. When you give out work you will have happy people to do it for you because they are accounting very predictable challenges.

Easy dissemination of instructions

With the application you are able to easily disseminate instructions and set where the instructions ought to be. When onboarding someone new onto the team all you do is assign them a workflow and they are able to see the instructions on the app. The application also lets them report on the progress they are making in the specific process. Training will be easy when you have the app.

Reduced errors

You encounter errors in your field of work. Trying to figure out where the errors are coming from is made easy with the workflow part of the Epesi cloud suite. You are able to see how errors occur, where they occur and what makes them occur. You use this information to ensure that the errors do not occur that much. When a new team member joins you, you are able to ensure that they do not make errors that you already have mitigated.

Reduced paperwork

With the application you are able to reduce the paperwork that you use in your day to day activities. Papers that are used to record your activities on your workflow processes will only act as a backup. You will not need a timesheet anymore as in the application when your employees check in they use the app to say so. Sometimes some processes needed a lot of paperwork to do. With workflow you will use it as a backup only but not as the main source of information.

Time saving

Some manual practices in the company’s day to day activities take a lot of time to do. With the workflow application time is saved as most things will be done by a touch of a button instead of a manual process.

Duplication of processes

Imagine you have the similar processes but with very slight changes. In a manual system you will have to recreate the said process again. With workflow you will duplicate a similar process and make changes where you want. What’s more with workflow you are able to create unlimited processes making it easier to manage unlike when you do not have the workflow application.

Pricing: $10 per User per Month

Use case

All kinds of businesses can use the workflow application however here are some examples of how it can be used in this industries.



Whether research is being conducted academically or for profit, it normally involves a lot of repetitive processes that need just some minor changes. The way it currently works is that you recreate this processes again but thanks to the workflow application you will not use much resources to do this. You can create repetitive research processes and allow reporting on them easily saving you a lot of time and resources.

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Event management

In the business of event planning and management you have similar processes that work. You also need to report on the progress on some of this processes. Using the application, you are able to collect data, disseminate instructions and report on progress in an event in real time. Some events involve massive amounts of resources that are taken to a location only to be taken down a couple of days later. Using the app, you are able to reduce breakages, increase time efficiency and repeat success.

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Cars are very important possessions to an individual. Whoever takes care of a car is considered a good asset to an individual. Hence if you own a garage you would like to reduce errors as much as you can. Thanks to the application you are able to create instructions, follow up on them and allow for reporting, so when your customer comes back with a complaint that you pride yourself in fixing you are able to point exactly what went wrong.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to contact us and ask any Question

  • How do deadlines, reminders, and notifications work?

    Deadlines allow the assignees a specified number of days to complete a task. Tasks are not required to have a deadline. The task deadline is converted into a specific date on a content asset at the time that task is reached. That same calculation is also performed for any subsequent tasks, up until the next task without a deadline.

  • How do we intergrate this system into our different departments?

    Our team will help you come up with checklists that complies with your work flow process then initiate the sysyem in a way that the relevant department gets a notification when the process reaches a stage where they dept is required.

  • What happens when I edit, add, or remove a stage?

    Changes to stages will take place immediately within any content where the workflow has not yet been completed. If a stage is deleted, it will be deleted from content that is in progress. However, if a completed asset is edited in any way, this will trigger an update to the asset’s workflow, including all stage edits, additions or removals. Completed assets are left as-is until edited.