Epesi Accounts


Manage all the cash aspects of your company with our easy to use accounting platform. Manage number in a whole new way.


Data Entry points

The application has easy to use and understand data entry points. This lets you use the data entered to places that you have set. Use the same data entered in many places with just a single point of entry.

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Document processing

Manage easily documents that are involved in the accounting process. With our easy to use data entry points you do not need much paper work to be able to keep your records. Just look for the fields to input a certain number and you are good to go.

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Payment processing

Make and receive payments with just a touch of a button. Create a payment approval process that will work best for your company in the specific industry. Create a process for approving payments received to enable you easily keep track of your organizational financials.

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Statement of financial position

View anytime that you would like your statement of financial position. Share this numbers with your stakeholders just by a touch of a button. Activate the components that enable you conduct your overall position accounting on our platform and get just about any financial report there is.

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Enable and view history of all the financial aspects of your company. This may vary from petty cash expenditure to the statements of financial positions in the company. Access this history in the dashboard in one click and share it with the people you would like to.

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User management

Finances are a very sensitive matter to a company hence one of the key features of the app is user management. Restrict who can see what on the app. Also create reminders to the specific users to use the platform such as to add or remove records.

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Having a financial system from a suite has its benefits. Here are some of them

Record dependencies

It is easier to manage records when you are using a Epesi accounts. You only need to input a record once and you will manipulate it however much you want. Say it’s a record for the purchase of a building that you made. When you record it once it can be used in the balance sheet, payment, trial balance, profit and loss sections. While using a manual system you have to manually input everything.

Real time recording

You and your team members only need a phone and a computer to record all your financial transactions. You may have manual records for back up but they are not that necessary when you have Epesi accounts. I guarantee that you will only check your manual records in 10 years, that is if you decide to keep both. It also makes work easier for you as now that manual financial system that you have is now going to be a backup and not the main system of financial management.

Easy reporting

Creating charts and graphs has never been easy thanks to our seamless reporting. We have a dashboard that will let you filter you records and manage them as you wish. You can now publish reports at the request of one of your stakeholders in a heartbeat. What is more the graphs look decent and they add some professionalism to your reports. Now the time needed to publish a report has been cut for you.

Quick and simple Decision making

With our user management components, you are able to make decisions in your company easily. Most decisions in the company need a financial aspect to it why don’t you get that aspect very quick and accurate. Any time that you would like to make a decision that has a financial aspect you can just get your reports easily. You are also able to manage who sees your finances with our user management component that comes as a default in the application.


Create reminders for your team members to create or manipulate records. If you are using apps on our suite such as Epesi salsify, once a customer makes a deposit you are automatically notified via the accounts app. You then follow your organizations policy on what to do with that certain record. You can also set reminders for periodical entries or report generation. This is to say that based on your processes you set how accounting is done in your organization through the app. You can request for instance a weekly update from the sales manager on how the cash allocated to them is being used or remind the secretary to publish a petty cash report for the accounting department every two weeks.

User management

One of the major benefits of this app is user management. Managing your team members, assigning them accounting roles, creating groups that share similar data, assigning who can manipulate accounting records, managing who can publish what report and who they are allowed to share it with within the company. All this come in handy and very hard to find even in other accounting software. However, this is the benefit of doing this on the cloud.

Use case

Industries that would benefit from this application include.


Hotel and tourism

This application is perfect if you have an establishment that deals with food and tourism. This is because cash in this industry moves very fast and it may slow down processes within your organization if you use traditional methods of records management. If you use this app you will reduce your transaction and decision making time tremendously as you are able to do many things over the internet.

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Learning institutions

This is an example of a business that doesn’t focus too much on cash management. In a typical institution the percentage of the staff that deals with finances is minimal compared to the work that is available. Hence when you have a cloud application to manage finances you are able to get a lot of the staff on board financial processes without telling them to break a sweat. It also reduces the work for the finance facing staff.

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Transport and logistics

Transport business is a very risky business. Cash flows so much in this type of business. Managing the records is usually challenging but not anymore. Thanks to a cloud application for financial management you are able to track, rationalize and manage all expenses that your team faces on the ground.

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Get Started

Manage your Real Estate Company using this bewildering system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to contact us and ask any Question

  • Why should I consider using this application?

    Smart question Onesmus; Epesi Realty makes work easier by aiding you manage your Real estate firm’s details effectively.

  • Is my information safe while in this system?

    Yes. All your information is confidential to you only since you are the custodian of the system the password to login.

  • Are the SMSs free?

    Yes. The SMSs are free only a fee of 3% per every transaction that goes through the system.